Ignite Sustainability Campaign Donors
The Indianapolis Foundation, a CICF affiliate
Martha Jacobs
Ellie and Michael Kaplan
Jen and Rob Johansen
Sam Jones
David and Mimi Jose
Elizabeth and Michael Keyes
Joy Kleinmaier
Don Knebel
Judi and Greg Kueterman
John and Sarah Lechleiter
Lilly Endowment Inc.
Lumina Foundation
Marvin LeRoy
Sanford Levinson
Constance Macy and Rob Koharchik
Abhijeet Malatpure and Shane Hatchett
Sarah and Mac McNaught
Dustin Meeks
Marvin Miller
Susan and Jim Naus
The Family of Michael O’Brien
Martha O’Connor and Greg Henneke
Kathy Pataluch
William Powell and Paul Pickett
Scott Putney and Susan Sawyer
Lyn and Jay Reece
Adrienne Reiswerg and Rob Young
A.J. Allen and Kathy Maeglin
Allen Whitehill Clowes Charitable Foundation
Bob and Toni Bader
John and DeAnn Baker
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Helmi and Ron Banta
Frank and Katrina Basile
The Randall C. and Janet D. Belden Family Fund, a fund of the Indianapolis Foundation
Fred and Annette Biesecker
William and Tiffany Browne
Bill and Jo Ellen Buffie
Laura and Matt Burton
Central Indiana Community Foundation
Allen Whitehill Clowes Charitable Foundation
Rochelle and Michael Cohen
Cynthia and Patrick Collier
Tenise Cornelius
Terri Czajka, in memory of Steve Hester
Mike and Jeannie Dinius
Rosemary Dorsa
Eli Lilly Matching Gifts Program
William T. Farkas
Dorothea and Philip Genetos
ChiChi and John Guy
Chastidy Hall
Dr. Lisa Harris
Bill and Nancy Hunt
Jean Richcreek
Martyn and Sarah Roberts
Delia Robertson
Michael Rothman and Penny Dunning
Livia Klain Russell, in memory of Steve Russell
Carrie Schlatter and Josh Ramsey
Mindy Shapiro and Dan Kahn
Shiel Sexton, Inc.
Dona Siebler and Chris Katterjohn
Bill Simmons and June Lyle
Anthony Sirk
Alyson Smith
Mike and Sue Smith
Patsy Solinger
Joyce Sommers
Dan Spitzberg and Susanne McAlister-Spitzberg
Don Steffy, through the Miller Family Fund of CICF
Ed and Jane Stephenson
Bill and Janet Taylor
Diane Timmerman
Roberta Tisdul
Ned Torson and Lara Williams, in honor of the Phoenix staff’s resilience
Tiffany Trotter
UBS Matching Gift Program
Girish Vitalpur
Cheryl and Ray Waldman
MaryBeth Walker and Mark Bailey